Hierarchy and Meaning (agreeing on what is important)
“we can only ask significant questions of meaning
within a framework of assumed value or purpose.
For instance, if we assume the value of human survival,
then we can evaluate the 'meaning' or 'significance'
of the occupations of the farmer, the trucker, and the grocer.
Their activities can be examined in detail and judged useful or not
against the background of the assumed value of human survival.
Such evaluations of the significance of specific activities occur every day:
Every business enterprise or government program,
every parent or employee, every individual choice or international policy
is subject to evaluation against the background of assumed meanings.”
Our existential predicament: Loneliness, Depression, Anxiety & Death
By James Park http://www.tc.umn.edu
One of the biggest obstacles to discovering what is a worthy of our time & investment in the pursuit of meaning is first identifying what it is that is truly important. After determining what is worthy, the next step is to determine what it is we want. Perhaps the most difficult step is determining if what we think we want is what will truly serve our existence and lead us to a place in which we find true happiness & meaning. With a little introspection many of us quickly discover that what we think we want is really not all that important in the grand scheme of things. Perhaps, some of us need a vision for life that is capable of transcending our own own agendas, dreams, ambitions and existence. But, how do we get to the place in which we can see life from this perspective.
Admittedly, this all sounds very challenging, yet, I do believe we can, at the very least, identify a method for dealing with these obstacles in what I refer to as, the hierarchy of meaning.
Meaning, purpose, physics & brain chemistry
The nature of meaning inherently implies hierarchy. It seems that when defining meaning, value, the worth of an activity or belief, how we assess the value of a life's investment, becomes unavoidable. We can identify the nature of love based on how certain features of human thinking and expression are organized into a hierarchy. Like the laws of nature (gravity, speed of light or entropy) which all have undeniable influence or cause and effect relationships, meaning has implications for what is or is not worth while or worthy of our pursuits. Put differently, as we pursue a life of purpose. We can assess the relative speed of an object at any point in space based on the speed of light. The weight of an object by gravitational 'pull'. We identify, measure and come to understand the laws of relationally according to a preexisting hierarchy. All of the various features of human consciousness, love, creativity, peace and even our experience of self - our perception of the 'I' in the 'Me' - the 'Me' in the 'I' all arise out of a hierarchy of relationships.
The laws of physics even the nature of light or gravity have been described as emergent. Modern science has determined a direct relationship between brain chemistry and thinking. However, consciousness itself has been very often described as emergent. Like light and the laws of physics consciousness is not a thing it is a principle, law, force or whatever word describes it best. Recent research in the fields of neuroscience and psychology has revealed that our unseen/non-physical thoughts, the emergent phenomenon of consciousness, can alter our brain chemistry, a process referred to as neuroplasticisity. Individuals suffering from obsessive - compulsive disorder have been observed in altering the 'hard wired' cognitive patterns of thinking through willed intention freeing the person from the intrusive imposition of recurring thoughts triggered by the brain. This conclusively shows that the unseen/non-physical realm of thought influence the physical chemistry of the brain. Many now hold that this is true of love and many other features of the human psyche and I would like to add the pursuit of meaning.
The very awareness of meaning itself will make us more conscious and wiser to the presence of thoughts, words, actions and ambitions that are, or are not, worth the energy and time that is often wasted in such pursuits, Some have objected to this approach of thinking and perhaps will claim that this is a placing limitations on the human psyche or that such an approach will bring on unnecessary sensitivity to things like morality. While our moral choices are certainly play a significant part in the pursuit of meaning it is not the only component. In order to identify the qualitative character of meaning, its personality, it will be helpful to establish what role hierarchy plays in the nature of meaning.
The laws of physics even the nature of light or gravity have been described as emergent. Modern science has determined a direct relationship between brain chemistry and thinking. However, consciousness itself has been very often described as emergent. Like light and the laws of physics consciousness is not a thing it is a principle, law, force or whatever word describes it best. Recent research in the fields of neuroscience and psychology has revealed that our unseen/non-physical thoughts, the emergent phenomenon of consciousness, can alter our brain chemistry, a process referred to as neuroplasticisity. Individuals suffering from obsessive - compulsive disorder have been observed in altering the 'hard wired' cognitive patterns of thinking through willed intention freeing the person from the intrusive imposition of recurring thoughts triggered by the brain. This conclusively shows that the unseen/non-physical realm of thought influence the physical chemistry of the brain. Many now hold that this is true of love and many other features of the human psyche and I would like to add the pursuit of meaning.
The very awareness of meaning itself will make us more conscious and wiser to the presence of thoughts, words, actions and ambitions that are, or are not, worth the energy and time that is often wasted in such pursuits, Some have objected to this approach of thinking and perhaps will claim that this is a placing limitations on the human psyche or that such an approach will bring on unnecessary sensitivity to things like morality. While our moral choices are certainly play a significant part in the pursuit of meaning it is not the only component. In order to identify the qualitative character of meaning, its personality, it will be helpful to establish what role hierarchy plays in the nature of meaning.
Just as the laws of physics have resulted in a profoundly complex and beautiful world I think it is likely that similar potentials & limitations may very well be written into the capabilities of conscious beings. Why some think that consciousness which is arguably the most complex entity we know of in creation does not need to at some point submit to a hierarchy behooves me.
The pursuit of meaning is unavoidably dependent on the notion that there is hierarchy. Just as gravity places certain relational principles in motion, or attraction, so our choices for better or worse will certainly play a role in our pursuit of happiness and meaning.
The pursuit of meaning is unavoidably dependent on the notion that there is hierarchy. Just as gravity places certain relational principles in motion, or attraction, so our choices for better or worse will certainly play a role in our pursuit of happiness and meaning.
The desire for meaning and the many branches of its relationships are likewise organized according to hierarchies of importance. Unlike the laws of physics we do have some control over what we decide to pursue with conviction and that which we do not. Yet, nearly everything we have come to understand in nature has a relationship based on order, hierarchy and inherent limitations. A tree only grows as high as its roots and trunk allow. A musicians skill and creative boundaries are largely determined by the amount of practice or effort they invest into their craft. A writer gains creative and expressive use of words through writing and reading. The soul that pursues an ultimate purpose for living, discovers meaning through being open to value/principle objectivity and wisdom. One may decide to give of their talents, financial resources and mental energy not because there might not be other things to do, but because they believe that giving of themselves is of more value than indulging in their own pursuits. The amount of energy we expend will play an enormous role on our sense of happiness, our pursuit of purpose and the discovery of meaning.
Target points
- Like the hierarchy in the laws of physics, consciousness and its many features or expressions such as love, the sense of self, purpose or meaning possesses a hierarchy.
- Understanding life, its purpose and meaning implies the inclusion of a hierarchy of values that are in some ways non-negotiable.
- The pursuit of meaning is dependent on the notion that there is hierarchy. Just as gravity places certain relational principles in motion, so our choices will certainly, for better or worse, play a role in our pursuit of happiness and meaning.