Contents - Branch by branch
(a guide for climbing through the meaning tree)
One of the primary goals of meaning tree is to create an approach, learning experience and model for the pursuit of meaning that is as organic as possible. We could say it is a step by step, or branch by branch climb or journey that metaphorically, encompasses the complexity of life and hopefully the wonder in the process of its discovery. It is a very individualistic process a pursuit in which there is no one size fits all answer, but, in which many of the answers and inspiration comes from a collective story of those who have taken this path, or ascended this tree before. As we engage in this journey of discovery we may come to discover that meaning itself has something of a character or personality that much like wisdom itself guides us with a sense of purpose, process & power, giving us strength to live conviction. This journey is far from a mere intellectual or an exclusive spiritual undertaking, but rather, a potentially life changing engagement and force in the place we live day in and day out, in our homes, schools, workplace and where we gather with friends and community. Put simply, purpose is about why we get up and do what we do everyday, meaning is about how our purpose shapes who we are in our relationship inwardly to our own sense of self. Ultimately it is the perhaps the greatest of any discovery humanly imaginable. A realization that leads us into the presence of meaning what is in some sense of our ultimate calling, the end purpose of our soul. We can lead life with a purpose in the pursuit of meaning in the days of youth or come face to face with its call moments before we die. In either case the question of meaning is not one that can be ignored forever.
For our purposes the metaphor of a tree works particularly well. Think for moment of how children may discover a tree intimately through the process of climbing it incrementally branch by branch. This is possible because trees inherently possess a hierarchy of interconnected branches that are related functionality as well as sharing a common history. As we seek out the far reaches of human knowledge and transcendent wisdom we do so with the support and strengths of what has already been learned & established and proven trustworthy or reliable, the successes, failures and struggles of others who have attempted to answer this same crucial question of life. What we do not see is that trees have roots that grow sometimes as deep as the tree is tall, not to mention, the unseen and a hidden complex fabric of changing symbiotic relationships that keep the tree healthy. The pursuit of meaning is one that is for certain very complex, but far from untenable. It is my hope that we will gain some great insights that will help us in our everyday struggles, as well as gleaning from age old wisdom that remain mysteriously on the horizons of our consciousness. It is something of a step by step - 'branch by branch' story of discovery.
For our purposes the metaphor of a tree works particularly well. Think for moment of how children may discover a tree intimately through the process of climbing it incrementally branch by branch. This is possible because trees inherently possess a hierarchy of interconnected branches that are related functionality as well as sharing a common history. As we seek out the far reaches of human knowledge and transcendent wisdom we do so with the support and strengths of what has already been learned & established and proven trustworthy or reliable, the successes, failures and struggles of others who have attempted to answer this same crucial question of life. What we do not see is that trees have roots that grow sometimes as deep as the tree is tall, not to mention, the unseen and a hidden complex fabric of changing symbiotic relationships that keep the tree healthy. The pursuit of meaning is one that is for certain very complex, but far from untenable. It is my hope that we will gain some great insights that will help us in our everyday struggles, as well as gleaning from age old wisdom that remain mysteriously on the horizons of our consciousness. It is something of a step by step - 'branch by branch' story of discovery.
Below is a list of the seven main 'branches' (or sections) of meaning tree, the common type of features we may find in the collective & individual pursuit of meaning.
Each branch breaks off into smaller related branches (sections-listed as pages on the left column). Note: at the end of each section there are target points. Here is a short description of what is covered in the various branches (chapters/pages listed on the left margin).
Each branch breaks off into smaller related branches (sections-listed as pages on the left column). Note: at the end of each section there are target points. Here is a short description of what is covered in the various branches (chapters/pages listed on the left margin).
The seven main branches (chapters/sections) concerning Meaning:
· I - The Problem of Meaning- Identify the problem of the question of meaning
· II - The Personality of Meaning- Identify the personality or character of meaning
· III - The Purpose of Meaning- Consider the role or purpose that meaning itself can serve in our life as individuals and our lives collectively
· IV - Process in the pursuit of Meaning- Consider how to pursue meaning and how such a commitment can transform our lives.
· V - Place & Meaning- Exploring the place of meaning, how where live, work & play day in and out (our ‘lot in life’) as a significant component in the pursuit and understanding meaning.
· VI - The Power of Meaning- Identify the subtle but significant ways in which the pursuit of meaning will give us a sense of power command over our inner as well as our external relationships
· VII - In the Presence of Meaning- Consider the many integral relationships of meaning and consider how its presence can transform our lives from mediocrity to a life of significance
· I - The Problem of Meaning- Identify the problem of the question of meaning
· II - The Personality of Meaning- Identify the personality or character of meaning
· III - The Purpose of Meaning- Consider the role or purpose that meaning itself can serve in our life as individuals and our lives collectively
· IV - Process in the pursuit of Meaning- Consider how to pursue meaning and how such a commitment can transform our lives.
· V - Place & Meaning- Exploring the place of meaning, how where live, work & play day in and out (our ‘lot in life’) as a significant component in the pursuit and understanding meaning.
· VI - The Power of Meaning- Identify the subtle but significant ways in which the pursuit of meaning will give us a sense of power command over our inner as well as our external relationships
· VII - In the Presence of Meaning- Consider the many integral relationships of meaning and consider how its presence can transform our lives from mediocrity to a life of significance
Breakdown chapter and other subjects
(Here is a more detailed breakdown branch by branch)
(Here is a more detailed breakdown branch by branch)
I - The problematic question of meaning
A Careful consideration of Meaning
Is there a meaning for meaning?
A look at how we go about asking the question of meaning.
The problem of the question of meaning
A consideration of why most avoid the question of meaning. Few of us realize that the question of meaning and possessing a clear understanding of its nature, is something that eludes the greatest and simplest of thinkers. The problem it presents is related to its nature and the fact that it can not be answered according to the rules of logic or even creative thinking, which may very well be a good thing.
The enigma of meaning
Did you ever wonder why the question of meaning is so damn hard to answer. Meaning is deeply mysterious and problematic and is best not to be treated or approached as any other human endeavor There is something truly mysterious about meaning and that may very well be a good thing.
Generic answers to the question & beyond
A consideration of the generic answer to the question; 'what is the meaning of life?' and more.
Beginning the conversation
Setting the tone for how to approach the conversation concerning the pursuit of meaning and purposeful living. Acknowledging the role and importance of; emotions, questioning, the ambiguity of language and the problem of interpretation, Acknowledges the importance of leading better lives (not just knowing or being informed of more)
II - The personlity of Meaning
The meaning of meaning
There are clues. First, there is a difference between purpose and meaning. Moreover, we are not entirely in the dark or at the mercy of Plato's shadows on the wall. In fact when considered from the perspective that meaning is inclusive of many facets of the human experience, we may be able to embark on a simpler more pragmatic approach. In the context of life when viewed as a story meaning can, in its simplest form, be known, pursued and embraced.
Hierarchy and meaning (agreeing on what is important)
Perhaps one of the biggest obstacles to discovering what is a worthwhile purpose for life or life's meaning is first identifying what it is that is truly important. What we want out of life, but more important determining if what we think we want is what will truly serve our existence and lead us to a place in which we find meaning. Perhaps even a meaning that is capable of transcending our own own agendas, dreams, ambitions and existence.
Meaningful relationships - relation & meaning
An exploration of the notion that meaning cannot be defined or understood without contextualizing it according to how it relates to other things. How we live, our thoughts, choices, our personal relationships, the importance of the role of money and stuff are all largely influenced by relational context.
There are clues. First, there is a difference between purpose and meaning. Moreover, we are not entirely in the dark or at the mercy of Plato's shadows on the wall. In fact when considered from the perspective that meaning is inclusive of many facets of the human experience, we may be able to embark on a simpler more pragmatic approach. In the context of life when viewed as a story meaning can, in its simplest form, be known, pursued and embraced.
Hierarchy and meaning (agreeing on what is important)
Perhaps one of the biggest obstacles to discovering what is a worthwhile purpose for life or life's meaning is first identifying what it is that is truly important. What we want out of life, but more important determining if what we think we want is what will truly serve our existence and lead us to a place in which we find meaning. Perhaps even a meaning that is capable of transcending our own own agendas, dreams, ambitions and existence.
Meaningful relationships - relation & meaning
An exploration of the notion that meaning cannot be defined or understood without contextualizing it according to how it relates to other things. How we live, our thoughts, choices, our personal relationships, the importance of the role of money and stuff are all largely influenced by relational context.
III - The Purpose of Meaning
A purpose driven quest
The importance of meaning and why it is worthy of our effort.
Unexpected encounters with meaning
Experience when properly contextualized can be one of the greatest teachers. We just have to be attentive and ready to learn and tell the story.
The importance of meaning and why it is worthy of our effort.
Unexpected encounters with meaning
Experience when properly contextualized can be one of the greatest teachers. We just have to be attentive and ready to learn and tell the story.
IV - Process in the Pursuit of Meaning
An invitation into the greatest of all investigations
A brief primer on objectives The approach is not dictation of meaning but rather an invitation to its pursuit. .
What to avoid. even what we are not sure of, and what is worthy of our focus.
We have already seen that there are clues. We are not entirely in the dark. In fact when considered in its simplest most pragmatic context meaning can be known, pursued and embraced, and we can make informed enough decisions to lead to a life with purpose. What emerges from two basic premises of our perceptions of reality branches out into a near limitless plethora of choices that give us more than adequate opportunity to lead a life of great opportunity as well as mediocrity if we choose. Also considered is some of the more recent psychological notions that identify happiness as a choice and having more choice does not equate to having more freedom.
The purpose of motivation & the motivation for meaning
An examination of the problem of motivation both for theoretical and clinical psychology. A look at some of the spiritual truths and what they suggest as well.
What we were, how we think, & who we are
understanding the fundamental role of thought in the pursuit of meaning.
A brief primer on objectives The approach is not dictation of meaning but rather an invitation to its pursuit. .
What to avoid. even what we are not sure of, and what is worthy of our focus.
We have already seen that there are clues. We are not entirely in the dark. In fact when considered in its simplest most pragmatic context meaning can be known, pursued and embraced, and we can make informed enough decisions to lead to a life with purpose. What emerges from two basic premises of our perceptions of reality branches out into a near limitless plethora of choices that give us more than adequate opportunity to lead a life of great opportunity as well as mediocrity if we choose. Also considered is some of the more recent psychological notions that identify happiness as a choice and having more choice does not equate to having more freedom.
The purpose of motivation & the motivation for meaning
An examination of the problem of motivation both for theoretical and clinical psychology. A look at some of the spiritual truths and what they suggest as well.
What we were, how we think, & who we are
understanding the fundamental role of thought in the pursuit of meaning.
V - Place & meaning
Our 'lot in life'
When we take a panoramic view of our lives what do we see. Everything from what we see in the mirror our families, our choices, intimate relationships, where we live, our work, the satisfaction we get out of it all adds to up to our 'lot in life' for better or worse.
When we take a panoramic view of our lives what do we see. Everything from what we see in the mirror our families, our choices, intimate relationships, where we live, our work, the satisfaction we get out of it all adds to up to our 'lot in life' for better or worse.
VI - The power of meaning
Our pursuit of meaning is a struggle. Meaning like love is not cheap. it requires the deepest levels of commitment to what is very often seemingly beyond reach. Yet, its illusive nature can provide a great source of inspiration for living a better and fuller life.
VII - The presence of meaning
1- The roots of Meaning
Perhaps the most vital aspect of living with a purpose in life is inward transformation, discovery, and truly knowing who we are, why we are here, and whether or not we can say to ourselves and our creator (if we are believers) my life has had a meaning. What we can expect when meaning becomes integral to our life and thinking.
Perhaps the most vital aspect of living with a purpose in life is inward transformation, discovery, and truly knowing who we are, why we are here, and whether or not we can say to ourselves and our creator (if we are believers) my life has had a meaning. What we can expect when meaning becomes integral to our life and thinking.
What is new, growing, in the works & coming soon
Roots, branches, fruits and leaves are what make up a tree, as well as their environment, type and personal history. Trees keep growing and changing. Likewise, the pursuit of meaning is multifaceted and can take us in many directions during the journey of life. I am committed to research and the study continues using the branches to grow out our understanding. Here is a list of what will be coming soon. Stay tuned or keep climbing!
The wisdom of meaning the meaning of wisdom (exploring the philosophy of meaning in the wisdom of Solomon)
The modern debate - is meaning an illusion?
The Psychology of meaning
What does the study of psychology and the many modern findings and theories teach us about the importance of meaning and its pursuit?
Healthy & sick trees (healthy trees, dead branches, dying leaves)
The beauty of the metaphor of a tree extended to many aspects of our struggle. Growth, seasons, environment, fruitful living, etc. are all considered.
A time for meaning & the meaning of time
"Time is the coin of life." How we spend it says something about what we value most and in the end what will mean the most.
The language of meaning
How language shapes our perceptions about meaning and purpose of life.
Parsimony complexity and meaning
Meaning is a deeply complex subject. Yet, there is a subtle and beautiful simplicity hidden in its nature that a child could understand.
Birth order and meaning
Because meaning is relational one of the most significant factors in our attitude towards it comes from our childhood experiences and birth order as well.
Science and meaning & the science of meaning
Both the problems of the scientism and its negative perception of meaning, and the many great findings of science and how it is contributing to our pursuit of meaning.
The meaning of individual & collective purpose
Many of our struggles come not just as a result of our individual choices, but, simply because we share a collective history that likewise is struggling and suffering in its quest for purpose.
The meaning of passion and passion for meaning
What does passion imply? when we have passion for meaning what does it do to our lives?
Partners in passion for meaning
What happens when we have families, friendships, and spouses who have a unity in their passion for meaning?\
Raising children for meaning
How would raising our children to seek out purpose and meaning transform how we parent?
Education of meaning and the meaning of education
Is it possible to educate our students in understanding history and the modern challenge of growing up in the context of meaning?
Questions about the question
Tragedy and meaning and the meaning of tragedy
Pain, suffering, death & Meaning
Roots, branches, fruits and leaves are what make up a tree, as well as their environment, type and personal history. Trees keep growing and changing. Likewise, the pursuit of meaning is multifaceted and can take us in many directions during the journey of life. I am committed to research and the study continues using the branches to grow out our understanding. Here is a list of what will be coming soon. Stay tuned or keep climbing!
The wisdom of meaning the meaning of wisdom (exploring the philosophy of meaning in the wisdom of Solomon)
The modern debate - is meaning an illusion?
The Psychology of meaning
What does the study of psychology and the many modern findings and theories teach us about the importance of meaning and its pursuit?
Healthy & sick trees (healthy trees, dead branches, dying leaves)
The beauty of the metaphor of a tree extended to many aspects of our struggle. Growth, seasons, environment, fruitful living, etc. are all considered.
A time for meaning & the meaning of time
"Time is the coin of life." How we spend it says something about what we value most and in the end what will mean the most.
The language of meaning
How language shapes our perceptions about meaning and purpose of life.
Parsimony complexity and meaning
Meaning is a deeply complex subject. Yet, there is a subtle and beautiful simplicity hidden in its nature that a child could understand.
Birth order and meaning
Because meaning is relational one of the most significant factors in our attitude towards it comes from our childhood experiences and birth order as well.
Science and meaning & the science of meaning
Both the problems of the scientism and its negative perception of meaning, and the many great findings of science and how it is contributing to our pursuit of meaning.
The meaning of individual & collective purpose
Many of our struggles come not just as a result of our individual choices, but, simply because we share a collective history that likewise is struggling and suffering in its quest for purpose.
The meaning of passion and passion for meaning
What does passion imply? when we have passion for meaning what does it do to our lives?
Partners in passion for meaning
What happens when we have families, friendships, and spouses who have a unity in their passion for meaning?\
Raising children for meaning
How would raising our children to seek out purpose and meaning transform how we parent?
Education of meaning and the meaning of education
Is it possible to educate our students in understanding history and the modern challenge of growing up in the context of meaning?
Questions about the question
Tragedy and meaning and the meaning of tragedy
Pain, suffering, death & Meaning
More branches and other meaningful stories
For a more in depth look at the modern discoveries of science and what the implications are for spirituality and the pursuit of meaning check out,
Send me an email with a question, comment or whatever is on your mind:
Send me an email with a question, comment or whatever is on your mind: