Generic answers to the question of Meaning

"Everything is meaningless"
King Solomon the book of Ecclesiastes
Unfortunately, the question of meaning and living a purposeful life does not lend itself to a single simple right or wrong, black or white solution, or even a generic formula to work with.
We can try to impose something of a universally generic answer but we will quickly discover that our efforts to expand that definition to the practical nuts and bolts of living will lead to exponential ambiguities.
King Solomon the book of Ecclesiastes
Unfortunately, the question of meaning and living a purposeful life does not lend itself to a single simple right or wrong, black or white solution, or even a generic formula to work with.
We can try to impose something of a universally generic answer but we will quickly discover that our efforts to expand that definition to the practical nuts and bolts of living will lead to exponential ambiguities.
Whenever, we encounter the question of meaning as it arises in social contexts we can usually identify certain themes in how people frame their answers. The answers always seem to follow some form of a generic pattern that can have a parrot like quality. We have all heard it before; "to live as best I can", "to help others", "to follow your heart - no matter where it takes you" , "to know and serve God". For certain, these common automated answers are not entirely wrong and their simplicity is perhaps their best quality. I don't doubt that some have given the question of meaning some thought and may sincerely believe that their identification with such a statement is enough to build a life of purpose on. The problem is that these answers have largely lost their effectiveness for several reasons. First, they do not address the complexity of the challenges of living life in the real world. Which is to say they are not specific enough as to avoid becoming in themselves meaningless in application. For example, what it implies to know and serve God in Saudi Arabia may have completely different implications than America's Bible belt. Religious or not these generic answers are contingent upon certain assumptions that may or may not be true. Second, there seems to something lacking in the final analysis of the reality of the statement. After all how many of us wake up in the morning as say "I am going to follow my heart no matter where it takes me", or, "today I will know and serve God more than ever before".
When the day comes, and our souls compel us to consider all our purposes, and the affections of which have come to define our pursuits, we will be in something of a position to evaluate these one sentence generic answers. In those moments of difficult personal assessment it will not serve us all that well to ask ourselves how closely have I followed my heart? Rather, our story, the very complex and nuanced elements of our life will in some sense answer that for us.
Meaning is much more than addressing a question with a generic answer.
When the day comes, and our souls compel us to consider all our purposes, and the affections of which have come to define our pursuits, we will be in something of a position to evaluate these one sentence generic answers. In those moments of difficult personal assessment it will not serve us all that well to ask ourselves how closely have I followed my heart? Rather, our story, the very complex and nuanced elements of our life will in some sense answer that for us.
Meaning is much more than addressing a question with a generic answer.
More than a question (>x=?)
In order to get the full benefit, or perhaps to even begin to answer the question of meaning we need to be aware of the fact that meaning itself is much more than a question or philosophical quandary
It is as much related to the deepest experiences life has to offer us. One of those experiences is engaging in discovery that the question of meaning invokes.
It is as much related to the deepest experiences life has to offer us. One of those experiences is engaging in discovery that the question of meaning invokes.
Meaning is not just a philosophical, religious or even a psychological query. Perhaps, we can extract some elements from those generic answers listed above.
Some of the significant features of Meaning are::
-Purposeful living,
-thinking more clearly,
- more fulfilling relationships,
-more focused & enduring goals,
-An ultimate sense of peace and clarity about what life leads to
it is perhaps, in part, a greater understanding and appreciation for the simple beauties of life and its wondrous complexity. Which to say it is partly experiential.
The question of meaning begins with the humble acceptance and understanding that in the grand scheme of things we are not at all significant, but, paradoxically we are uniquely important in our relationship to others. Put differently, you and I are merely, dust in the wind in the great scheme of things, but by relationship to others and our place or 'lot in life' we are profoundly significant. Everyone fills a role that is a profoundly important link in the ultimate unraveling of a specific part of history. It is unavoidable.
As we begin to see Meaning and the desire to lead a life of purpose as worthy of our investment of energy it will become a catalyst to improving our ability to enjoy what we do, think and achieve.
Some of the significant features of Meaning are::
-Purposeful living,
-thinking more clearly,
- more fulfilling relationships,
-more focused & enduring goals,
-An ultimate sense of peace and clarity about what life leads to
it is perhaps, in part, a greater understanding and appreciation for the simple beauties of life and its wondrous complexity. Which to say it is partly experiential.
The question of meaning begins with the humble acceptance and understanding that in the grand scheme of things we are not at all significant, but, paradoxically we are uniquely important in our relationship to others. Put differently, you and I are merely, dust in the wind in the great scheme of things, but by relationship to others and our place or 'lot in life' we are profoundly significant. Everyone fills a role that is a profoundly important link in the ultimate unraveling of a specific part of history. It is unavoidable.
As we begin to see Meaning and the desire to lead a life of purpose as worthy of our investment of energy it will become a catalyst to improving our ability to enjoy what we do, think and achieve.
One of the core concepts being pursued here is the notion that meaning is, like love, is a relational quality of consciousness a characteristic of the human psyche itself and an endeavor that has a personality of sorts and is in itself worthy of our pursuit.
Target points

- The question of meaning and living a purposeful life does not lend itself to a simple right or wrong formula.
- Whenever we try to answer the question of meaning we will always inevitably frame it in one of three ways. One that seeks pleasure as the path to happiness, one that requires belief in God, or religion and the other that states that meaning is pointless an illusion.
- How we choose to frame our answer to the big 'M' question will have a rippling effect on our pursuit of meaning.
- The 'meaning of life' question is one that I suspect most of us sense is profoundly important, yet, it is a query that most of end us up avoiding largely because we believe it is just another question.
- The question of meaning can be much, much more than a mere philosophical quandary. Rather it is capable of contextualizing our dreams, ambitions, goals and most intimate thoughts and beliefs.